2016-09-13 - Re: Power Off and User Re-Login

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From: Hotspotuser <jo***s@algardata.pt>
Message Hash: 6c51bece8c87dee5a2bd7ef0ab7ae98585f04f5ea93f454a498a7a44ec3db343
Message ID: <db0e71fd-6b8f-4983-873f-c3b112d07d41@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <e8319166-e088-4b2a-a21d-d102d81b06b3@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2016-09-13 07:44:28 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2016 07:44:28 -0700

Raw message

This is what i use and it simply works :D

 wget -q -O -   

as a cron job

terça-feira, 13 de Setembro de 2016 às 15:38:47 UTC+1, Eliot Ness escreveu:
> The main problem is that wget cant find path to run, except if i put it on 
> var/www/html ( the default apache web dir ) and chmod it to 755 to run
> If it run it generate a new file ( reconnect.php.1 ) 
> But the above  on manual run by putty. 
> On boot via rc.local and wget ""  it does 
> not
> Final on grase monitor sessions, user, there is no reason of disconnect at 
> all, if this script is active
> If this script removed, it can advertise disconnect reasons, so this 
> script works but not configured well
> Confused or what - Can i have a start over description to make it work?
> On Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 9:40:51 AM UTC+3, Eliot Ness wrote:
>> At least one Pi2 comes yesterday in my hands, and ....grase run again.
>> Detailed tutorial steps install on next days.
>> As simple question : On power off or reboot, user have login again, 
>> except if admin store mac adr.
>> Is there any way on grase to remember users after reboot ? So no need 
>> user to login again....
>> Anyone?
