2016-09-15 - Re: Power Off and User Re-Login

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From: Hotspotuser <jo***s@algardata.pt>
Message Hash: f92c333713583c5ed78233f9482b3c4575cdb8ca079a693412d2c5ed241fa5fe
Message ID: <af1ecd68-05fd-4ba6-ab0d-a4fcdb29f416@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <ec88e957-fec0-4080-8972-4d175dfc21bc@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2016-09-15 06:39:04 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2016 06:39:04 -0700

Raw message

This script only works for connections that did not end, i.e. dont have a 
AcctStopTime (a server unwanted poweroff, not a normal shutdown/reboot).

If you want to enable the autoreconnect, you will have to change the SQL 
query to search for a different status as Tim rightly mentioned in his post 

something in the lines of...

$query = "SELECT CallingStationId, UserName, FramedIpAddress, AcctStopTime 
FROM radius.radacct WHERE UserName != 'CoovaChilli' and AcctStopTime is 
null or month(AcctStopTime) = month(now()) and CallingStationId in ('".
implode("','",$macs_connected)."') Group BY CallingStationId ORDER by 
RadAcctId DESC";

Notice the new filter : or month(AcctStopTime) = month(now())

This will not only give you the ones that are already connected but also 
the ones that have had a session in the current month.

quinta-feira, 15 de Setembro de 2016 às 13:18:15 UTC+1, Eliot Ness escreveu:
> Yes, the last wget one works.
> But still devices do not reconnect. 
> Even without a normal shutdown, login screen comes up.
> It must be something with AcctStopTime
> On Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 9:40:51 AM UTC+3, Eliot Ness wrote:
>> At least one Pi2 comes yesterday in my hands, and ....grase run again.
>> Detailed tutorial steps install on next days.
>> As simple question : On power off or reboot, user have login again, 
>> except if admin store mac adr.
>> Is there any way on grase to remember users after reboot ? So no need 
>> user to login again....
>> Anyone?
