2016-09-16 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Ip address configuration

Header Data

From: Rishabbh A Dua <du***h@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 7896172bebb904f8f1e2bcaa155f605df657fe2039907794627291f05a34f67d
Message ID: <7c7451d4-ce75-4ba0-a3dc-c50e96cae47f@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <CADDedMGcY84-Nc7hK=OHak+5VQpcF+GBkbdVPPZUOWM+yQt+CQ@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2016-09-16 22:17:27 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2016 22:17:27 -0700

Raw message

Hi Postaemre

Thanks for your response.
i conducted the following tests, would appreciate some insight from you if 
this is expected:

   1. On connecting to access point, login browser should open.

   - laptop : success
      - mobile : failed ( no notification nor did browser open)
       2. in case not logged in according to test case 1, when some 
domain/subdomain/website address (such as google.com) is put in browser, 
browser should redirect to grase login page

   - laptop: success
      - mobile: failed
       3. in case not logged in according to test case 1, when some ip 
address (such as 192168.1.1 or 0 or any other ip address ) is put 
in browser, browser should redirect to grase login page

   - laptop: success
      - mobile: success

Once logged in all goes well on all devices.

What do you think, Postaemre, Drazen , Tim? Is this expected?


