2018-01-03 - Repeater over AP on grase hotspot

Header Data

From: Gerard Pacete <ge***1@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 9761d8d1c083ffa84b1b1bdc7dafba4d8f7e81c27cd9ef8248fe6af95246829b
Message ID: <9f62ebc1-9fc9-40ce-b604-6e3765f5f2dc@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2018-01-03 18:19:22 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2018 17:19:22 -0800

Raw message

Hi, we are an educational institution and just recently we decided to put 
up a portal for our network. We setup grase hotspot v3 and we found it very 
helpful in a way that we need it.
But, now that we want to expand the network to cater wider area, we came 
into issues of setting up a repeater for our wireless access points.

1 PC running ubuntu with grase hotspot installed.
1 wifi router(setup as access point, where one router LAN is connected to 
uam_eth, DHCP is disabled on this router).
1 wireless repeater to repeat the wifi network from our wireless AP

- If a client connects through the extended wifi signal(repeater), it is 
able to get IP from the DHCP server(grase hotspot) but it is not able to 
get through to connect to portal.
If we remove the repeater, there is no problem at all.

What we have done so far:
- We already tried to use different models of routers and AP to run the 
WiFi AP and also tried several repeater models but all of them are having 
the same issues.
- We tried to make a router(DHCP enabled) and connect it to grase hotspot 
and repeat the signal, repeater have no issues but we cannot make each of 
clients on WiFi be controlled by grase hotspot server.

Is there any problem with our setup? or is there any better setup that i 
can try with?

Thanks and best regards to all.
