2018-01-05 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Repeater over AP on grase hotspot

Header Data

From: Gerard Pacete <ge***1@gmail.com>
Message Hash: cbb22b2d97a8e02474f0f8fd403e3ea71cf637f12563650102f8507d6cfae7fa
Message ID: <90838589-ee8f-4cd6-b640-cdb5c632d3c9@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <CAJPZkgH3zy2gpzjCKMjSfAo-JtG++PopJJWBDeHzYr9sBxhdzA@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2018-01-05 02:35:53 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2018 01:35:53 -0800

Raw message

On Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 10:52:07 PM UTC-8, bob.hunt.52 wrote:
> Hi Gerard,
> My Grase setup works fine in a rural village situation, with around 20 
> nodes running "secn" mesh firmware downloaded from 
> https://villagetelco.org, on Ubiquiti and TP-Link atheros devices.  The 
> site also has a webstore with ready to use mesh devices available. As Tim 
> mentioned, the secret is having the connections handled on layer 2 (mac 
> address layer), which this mesh setup does.  There are also other mesh 
> devices around but this is the only one I have any experience with.

Hi Bob,
Thanks for the info Sir. We are now setting up multiple AP using cables as 
this will be the cheapest way we could at least do. :)



On Thursday, January 4, 2018 at 2:31:23 AM UTC-8, drazen.zuvela wrote:
> Hi Bob. 
> I never using repeater mode because it will divide speed to 50%. What I am 
> using is "link" with 3 device setup. 
> 1. Base AP connected to Grase (Network mode: Bridge, Wireless mode: AP+WDS)
> 2. Middle unit (Network mode:Bridge; Wireless mode: Station + WDS)  (+ 
> usually directional antenna attached to for bigger distances) 
> 3. AP device at the end point. Eth cable connected to device no.2 (Network 
> mode: Bridge; Wireless mode: AP)
> here are some documents illustrating my setup. 
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwpmm0Bk8oTYVkRsbnpTRDZESm8/view?usp=sharing
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwpmm0Bk8oTYdUVqTjJQOGRaSFk/view?usp=sharing
> https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1lhGtjMIEvIOOE4ycfjuNeCO_WlSG5lc2AVjCHTnLThA/edit?usp=sharing 
> There are one AP with double panel antennas on high mast covering east 
> side (basically illuminating 3 floors of neighbourg house)
> 2nd AP with 9,5dbi stick antenna on my roof, illuminating 360 deg around 
> my house, but also used to link remote yagi antenna for 2nd neighbourg 
> 200meters away south-west direction. There is Station device on Yagi and 
> another AP connected to.
> 3rd AP with parabola antenna at 5GHz band, directed to west. 1 kilometers 
> away there is oposite Station parabola at 5Ghz, forwarding trough cable to 
> 2.4GHz local Ap.
> How you can see there is a mix of different brands and types of equipment 
> and even firmwares (Gargoyle). For steady link I would recommend Ubiquity 
> equipment because it works without any issue. (Tp-link version works but 
> sometimes need power resets to get clients connect properly. Besides I used 
> indoor units repacked in different waterproof boxes in order to be used 
> outside. Kinda of cheaper, but after years of practice primary outdoor 
> equipment works much better then my DIY outdoor packages.
> Hope this helps.
> Dražen

Hi Dražen,
 Thanks for the very informational setup diagram that you provide. We 
cannot afford WDS setups though as good WDS-capable AP are extremely 
expensive in our country. I have noted all your shared info and it will 
surely help me a lot on my next network projects. Grase is the best network 
solution i could always run to.

Cheers and more power,
