2014-06-21 - Redirection issue and No internet connectivity

Header Data

From: Andrew Gray <na***0@gmail.com>
Message Hash: a13e115bfd2448220b1b330359cced86a717b68eb08b7e29a41e2fc7d4c9bfaa
Message ID: <36c0f159-5e99-42d9-8352-977707f80510@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2014-06-21 00:22:43 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 00:22:43 -0700

Raw message

Hello, Wonderful software however two issues encountered.

   1. *Will not automatically redirect users to captive portal*
   2. *After login no Internet access for user "Manually went to user login 

Love ever thing else about this software, however not being able to do 
above mention issues makes using software not practical.

Help would be must appreciated 
