2015-05-28 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Nightly Changes

Header Data

From: Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 15cd08d98f311c4dbad05e61ba9b73568318f8fa8f07fecd54c40067074611d5
Message ID: <CAESLx0L2hctoAVzN884_zdjFnRdRhSUxPXTT8n6Zm3pakJ=iKg@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAGUY4fzebr8cbgN_LFaJGCwnSeHJWyr=u86AcJhTO0j34P9+hQ@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2015-05-28 18:02:30 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 11:02:30 +1000

Raw message

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Edward Allen <yb***j@gmail.com> wrote:

> Tim before we go stable there is this one issue sometimes the user has to
> continuously press login in order to get authentication.  I think it is
> related to the way php encrypts the password before posting the request.
> I've encountered this issue before whilst login in on some Dell
> powerconnect 2724 switches, usually I had to use an older version of ie on
> a slower pc for it to work.
> When I look at radcheck table I see where each attempt is made and on each
> attempt the crypto password is different.

It would be good to get more information on this. Unfortunately, without
being able to reproduce this, it's hard to know what the problem is. I'll
try some tweaking. It's a CHAP challenge response, so maybe the challenge
is expiring too soon? I'll adjust how that works to try and minimise
expired challenges.

> Another issue, I realize that computer accounts get authenticated at dhcp
> time. Is it possible to add additional check points for their
> authentication?
> The problem is sometimes when I add a computer account that device is
> already connected to the system so they have to disconnect then reconnect.
Unfortunately this is part of the coova-chilli project. MAC authentication
(computer accounts) happens at DHCP time. There are ways we can manually
"login" a computer account, but it's a pain, especially if you want the
session limits to apply. I find the easiest way to handle this is give
people a once off voucher for a few hours, and then create the computer
account for them. Most people have disconnected and reconnected before the
voucher expires.

> Secondly if I create a few static clients then that causes another
> headache.  In addition if the system restarts then clients who were
> previously connected will have to reconnect to have service, this is a
> serious pain in areas where you've got IP cameras and similar devices.

The only solution for this, is to setup proper "static" clients. I'll look
at the code changes for this, but probably not for this release.
Again, this is something that relies heavily on the coova-chilli part of
the project, so we probably need to work with what's available to us from


