2020-02-04 - Initial installable Dev packages for V4

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From: Tim <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: dafb75b2cbb11c193bf1c1a6f279e5e8c2ff301e437db8acb1021013fb331bfd
Message ID: <CAESLx0+wdvAyXPmL__tb6+KYGHf0gDJ8UWvVz90UeCpA142Tig@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2020-02-04 07:24:44 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2020 22:24:44 +0800

Raw message

So these instructions are going to be brief, as they are intended for
people somewhat comfortable with setting up / running packages under Linux.
This is still a development version, things will be broken, please do not
try and use this in production!!! In particular, parts of the Coova Chilli
integration are not finished, and probably will not install 100% correctly
(e.g. the network settings will be wrong). This development version allows
you to start playing with the admin interface. There is also reduced
functionality in many areas as I've migrated key components and lesser-used
features will follow later (like manual locking of users, complicated
time/data limits).

1. Clean install Ubuntu 18.04
2. Point to new Grase development apt repo
$ echo deb https://apt.grasehotspot.org/dev bionic main | sudo tee
3. Update your apt information
$ sudo apt update
4. Install the required Grase packages. As part of the install, there are a
few database questions, just accept the defaults
$ sudo apt install grase-www-portal grase-conf-freeradius
grase-conf-dnsmasq coova-chilli
5. You should now have a Grase install accessible. e.g.

If you wish to test the migration from V3, please find your latest backup
files of the database (they can be gzipped) and copy them to the new
server, the run the following command, updating it to point to the backup
files. It will delete all the current database contents and import the V3
data and migrate it to V4
$ sudo -u www-data /usr/share/grase/symfony4/bin/console
grase:migrate-v3-backup ~/mysql_radius_backup.sql ~/mysql_radmin_backup.sql

Just because you get things working on the development version, does not
mean you'll be able to eventually upgrade it to a production server. I may
still require breaking changes in database schema, and I will assume that
we are making clean installs. When I actually get to alpha/beta releases, I
will ensure that development installs can become production installs when
V4 is released.

Now that I have installable packages I'll put more effort into migrating
the last of the settings configuration code, so that we can start testing
CoovaChilli/Freeradius integration outside of my test setup.


