2020-05-07 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Re: Initial installable Dev packages for V4

Header Data

From: Charles Chambers <cc***2@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 0db91264e6097c2095d28746e701e881f3a39fe8e4b384cb08e480908c5a9da0
Message ID: <f3e64abc-a8a0-ac08-941f-ec3db817da6a@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAESLx0JDRJdf25apEAfKwPB1fWoGDMaGqc7v9K6p-fzpKA=D6w@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2020-05-07 08:42:29 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 07 May 2020 08:42:29 -0700

Raw message

Now I can start.  I have time.

I'm confused:

*I've updated the instructions a little after testing from a clean 18.04

My original  install was 12.04, Ubuntu Server.  No GUI.  I still have it
as a recovery image.*

*/1. Clean install Ubuntu 18.04/*

I've tried Ubuntu Server 18.04 six times.  The first one vanilla,
refusing updates (IIRC), the rest in varying forms going forwards and
backwards.  The install is unstable under 18.04 server.  The only
package not specified that I add is openssh-server, so that I can remote
into the box.  I generally run the hot spot server *without* a GUI,
which is why 18.04 server.  That's also why the concern over not having
my second NIC come alive after install was complete (step 5).

The last step was confusing at first - on Ubuntu 18.04 server, there is
no GUI, so no browser to bring up, and thus no place to supply an address.

As I'm now installling 18.04 (xfce desktop), the "clean install" fresh
off the media is short 147 updates, of which 102 of them security
updates.  As a last attempt, I'm not fixing this first, but I would
usually.  The Xfce install included formatting the installed partitions,
so no previous crud left behind.

*/2. Point to new Grase development apt repo/*

*/$ echo deb /**/https://apt.grasehotspot.org/dev bionic main | sudo tee

No error messages.

The first install (grase-www-portal) triggers something like 60 packages
to bring in along with grase-www-portal.  The assumption is that this is

The second install brings in another 40 packages.  Again, the assumption
is that this is expected./

*/3. Get the repo key/**/

*/$ sudo wget
-O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/grase.hotspot.2020.gpg/*

No error messages./

*/4. Update your apt information/*

*/$ sudo apt update/*

No error messages./

/Under xfce build, 147 updates.  See #1, above.  List attached.

*/5. Install the required Grase packages. As part of the install, there
are a few database questions, just accept the defaults/*

*/$ sudo apt install grase-www-portal/*

List continues.  Xfce build to provide GUI*/

*/$ sudo apt install grase-conf-freeradius grase-conf-dnsmasq coova-chilli/*

List continues.  Xfce build to provide GUI*/*/

Done and done.  The upgrade routine for Grase with grase-www-portal is
unexpected, but you do have admins who will want to upgrade.  I'm still
pre-deployment, so no *real* user accounts. 

/6. You should now have a Grase install accessible. e.g.

Installed on Ubuntu 18.04 server, and browsing from a different computer
on the LAN (browsing to, I got to a web page on the
first build, never after that on subsequent builds.

Xfce build, no network customizing prior to this step.  Browser returns
"The requested URL is not found on this server" when it's done from
Firefox/Xfce desktop.







