2020-05-11 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Re: Initial installable Dev packages for V4

Header Data

From: Stephan Stein <st***w@googlemail.com>
Message Hash: c107d1e3ea5b7e6379a818eb8eed9756565420415c16cebe020d6f712cebc895
Message ID: <bb759c27-252f-4850-a124-96ce470a58f9@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <f3e64abc-a8a0-ac08-941f-ec3db817da6a@gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2020-05-11 06:53:57 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 06:53:57 -0700

Raw message


Am Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2020 17:42:36 UTC+2 schrieb Charles Chambers:
> Now I can start.  I have time. 
> I'm confused:
> *I've updated the instructions a little after testing from a clean 18.04 
> install*
> My original  install was 12.04, Ubuntu Server.  No GUI.  I still have it 
> as a recovery image.
> *1. Clean install Ubuntu 18.04*
> I've tried Ubuntu Server 18.04 six times.  The first one vanilla, refusing 
> updates (IIRC), the rest in varying forms going forwards and backwards.  
> The install is unstable under 18.04 server.  The only package not specified 
> that I add is openssh-server, so that I can remote into the box.  I 
> generally run the hot spot server *without* a GUI, which is why 18.04 
> server.  That's also why the concern over not having my second NIC come 
> alive after install was complete (step 5).
> The last step was confusing at first - on Ubuntu 18.04 server, there is no 
> GUI, so no browser to bring up, and thus no place to supply an address.
> As I'm now installling 18.04 (xfce desktop), the "clean install" fresh off 
> the media is short 147 updates, of which 102 of them security updates.  As 
> a last attempt, I'm not fixing this first, but I would usually.  The Xfce 
> install included formatting the installed partitions, so no previous crud 
> left behind.
> *2. Point to new Grase development apt repo*
> *$ echo deb **https://apt.grasehotspot.org/dev 
> <https://apt.grasehotspot.org/dev> bionic main | sudo tee 
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grase.list*
> No error messages.
> The first install (grase-www-portal) triggers something like 60 packages 
> to bring in along with grase-www-portal.  The assumption is that this is 
> expected.
> The second install brings in another 40 packages.  Again, the assumption 
> is that this is expected.
> *3. Get the repo key*
> *$ sudo wget **https://github.com/GraseHotspot/grase-repo/raw/master/key/grase.hotspot.2020.gpg 
> <https://github.com/GraseHotspot/grase-repo/raw/master/key/grase.hotspot.2020.gpg> 
> -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/grase.hotspot.2020.gpg*
> No error messages.
> *4. Update your apt information*
> *$ sudo apt update*
> No error messages.
> *Under xfce build, 147 updates.  See #1, above.  List attached. *
> *5. Install the required Grase packages. As part of the install, there are 
> a few database questions, just accept the defaults*
> *$ sudo apt install grase-www-portal*
> List continues.  Xfce build to provide GUI
> *$ sudo apt install grase-conf-freeradius grase-conf-dnsmasq coova-chilli*
> List continues.  Xfce build to provide GUI
> Done and done.  The upgrade routine for Grase with grase-www-portal is 
> unexpected, but you do have admins who will want to upgrade.  I'm still 
> pre-deployment, so no *real* user accounts.  
> *6. You should now have a Grase install accessible. e.g. ** 
> <>*
> Installed on Ubuntu 18.04 server, and browsing from a different computer 
> on the LAN (browsing to, I got to a web page on the 
> first build, never after that on subsequent builds.
> Xfce build, no network customizing prior to this step.  Browser returns 
> "The requested URL is not found on this server" when it's done from 
> Firefox/Xfce desktop.
