2011-10-19 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] help with squid after update 3.6.2

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From: ????? ?????? <pa***s@yahoo.com>
Message Hash: f2fb0f65bf7553b41d191d7b051acd26e5c3a72f4c63f752de0b6b3fb999f85b
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UTC Datetime: 2011-10-19 01:30:29 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 01:30:29 -0700

Raw message

as you said, i edited squid after installing grase hotspot..
i need some of my staff using proxy so they can using internet (they using specific ip, not dhcp, and using different gateway from hotspot).

the error code is:

The connection has timed out
The server at www.google.com is taking too long to respond.

    *   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
    *   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
    *   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
          that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

as if they cant even access squid. (i remember squid giving warning "access denied" if client try access some blocked site. but this time there are no error like that).

i use same ip with hotspot server for the proxy, in my case is
the problem occur after i updated grase into 3.6.2..

and i dont see any differences in my squid.conf.grase

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
To: gr***t@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] help with squid after update 3.6.2

On 19/10/11 17:35, ????? ?????? wrote: 
>i have using squid as a proxy for a while..
>so some people can use it to access computer..
>i make squid as standard proxy, there is no special permission
        or something like that and it works fine..
>but after i updated grase to 3.6.2, i can't use squid as proxy
>and i dont see any changes in my setting..
>anyone can help me?
The default setup is for Grase to redirect all web traffic through
    the proxy. Because of this, there is a firewall rule the prevents
    clients from directly accessing the proxy (which would allow them to
    bypass Grase).
If you have tried customising squid, chances are the latest update
    overwrote your changes, we install a special squid.conf.grase file,
    so we don't overwrite your changes from before Grase was installed.
    This squid.conf.grase file is symlinked to squid.conf and the
    squid.conf is moved to squid.conf.orig (so if you uninstall the
    hotspot, your original squid.conf is restored). However, if you edit
    the squid.conf file AFTER installing the hotspot, then those edits
    will be overwritten on upgrade.

How are you trying to use the proxy? From the hotspot clients, you
    shouldn't' need to do anything as users are transparently redirect
    through the proxy. If you need to use it from other clients not on
    the hotspot (i.e. you have clients on the "WAN" side of the hotspot
    that use the same proxy), then you'll need to check the firewall to
    see if it's being blocked there.

What is the error message you are getting?


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