2016-06-25 - Version of coova-chilli is outdated

Header Data

From: Christopher Gregory <me***e@pc-networking-services.com>
Message Hash: a4288e3652434bc44a010cdef2510778a92c120fc7fbbf1a0d4c5dceae1ca516
Message ID: <78d8a9523fa9b3610d44790ee47060f8.squirrel@www.pc-networking-services.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2016-06-25 02:24:39 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2016 21:24:39 +1200

Raw message


The version of coova-chilli being used in grase hotspot is two years

They have released another version although the numbering is not what I
would call conventional.

If you take a look in the system log files you will see redir.c client
time outs and performance issues when this is happening.

On their new mailing list one of their current development team told
someone who brought this up to upgrade.

As I am not sure of exactly what files are patched I am unable to upgrade
to see if this issue has been fixed.  They claim to have fixed a number of
errors from the old code base.

I know that there is one patch listed on the grase wiki but is this the
only changes that have to be made?

It would be nice for me to be able to upgrade and forget about it until
things change.

Also there is an issue with Debian and Ubuntu with network traffic
stopping if you have both ipv4 and ipv6 enabled.  You need to disable ipv6
to prevent the network interfaces from being constantly being


