2016-07-21 - Re: Version of coova-chilli is outdated

Header Data

From: Hotspotuser <jo***s@algardata.pt>
Message Hash: a8d7271c73a11dd9aee5f7f824049b0c36e59e3db5399bf2ab6086ffc9c1604b
Message ID: <6d0f774c-8763-4f07-b69a-53541133dd18@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <78d8a9523fa9b3610d44790ee47060f8.squirrel@www.pc-networking-services.com>
UTC Datetime: 2016-07-21 08:06:42 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 08:06:42 -0700

Raw message

Any news on this?

Tim, care to share the ./configure parameters used in GRASE so that we can 
try to tackle this ourselves?

Got Coova-Chilli 1.3.4 installed today, but im guessing i got the wrong 
parameters for ./configure.

./configure --enable-chilliquery --enable-coa --enable-radproxy --enable-dhcpradius 
--enable-dnslog --enable-uamdomainfile --enable-ieee8021q --enable-json --
enable-largelimits --enable-leakybucket --enable-uamanyip --enable-uamuiport 

sábado, 25 de Junho de 2016 às 10:24:42 UTC+1, christopher escreveu:
> Hello, 
> The version of coova-chilli being used in grase hotspot is two years 
> outdated. 
> They have released another version although the numbering is not what I 
> would call conventional. 
> If you take a look in the system log files you will see redir.c client 
> time outs and performance issues when this is happening. 
> On their new mailing list one of their current development team told 
> someone who brought this up to upgrade. 
> As I am not sure of exactly what files are patched I am unable to upgrade 
> to see if this issue has been fixed.  They claim to have fixed a number of 
> errors from the old code base. 
> I know that there is one patch listed on the grase wiki but is this the 
> only changes that have to be made? 
> It would be nice for me to be able to upgrade and forget about it until 
> things change. 
> Also there is an issue with Debian and Ubuntu with network traffic 
> stopping if you have both ipv4 and ipv6 enabled.  You need to disable ipv6 
> to prevent the network interfaces from being constantly being 
> reconfigured. 
> Regards, 
> Christopher. 
