2015-07-22 - static IP traffic on the grase/chilli dhcp pool

Header Data

From: gianluca <au***a@gmail.com>
Message Hash: edc0de5c582f95869458696ffd61f4eb05288b5582ad1ebd79c59e582c7a0ee0
Message ID: <4ab0e088-c5d7-42a7-b1b7-fa9e55f71d94@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2015-07-22 09:10:34 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 09:10:34 -0700

Raw message

Hi all,

I have a particular setup for my grase box (up and running from almost 2y 
today I had to extend the wifi zone to another building and so I used a 
wifi bridge (ubiquiti Nanostation M5).

the radio link is done using two wifi antenna.
the antenna do use their private wifi link , while the networking is in 
bridge mode with a static IP.

my GRASE/chilly dhcp range is>, while the grase box 
has ip address

the antenna have the static IP and

the link works great, I can manunally ping with 0ms.

If I connect on the other side of the wifi bridge I do get a VALID ip 
address from my GRASE box,
but then I cannot ping ... I cannot connect to the internet at 


so I suppose chilli is blocking the traffic from IPs outside of the dhcp 

could someone point me out how to allow some static ip on the network?
and where is the chilli configuration stored?

