2016-02-04 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Re: German translation

Header Data

From: kralan <kr***n@gmx.at>
Message Hash: 074ef2bddbeb685046c21d7a6f2096a05032a01d757ae72ed5867ea1806bed95
Message ID: <ba60087a-6289-467b-9ad5-89af061f0ed6@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <cb9cf8f9-7aeb-46e1-85bd-0fd51d62359a@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2016-02-04 06:13:09 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2016 05:13:09 -0800

Raw message

Hi Tim,

I was testing the UAM translations and found (almost) everything in place.
Only one string escaped me: *Login.*
If you could add that one, too, I think the UAM is translated and ready for 
a release. 

While testing the UAM, I ran into a small bug:
Clicking *Help i*n the menu bar takes you to the help page, but clicking 
*Login* does not take you to the login.
The *Return to Welcome Page* link works, though.
Could you look into that, too, while you are at it?

As for the translation of the administration interface, I'd love to see 
that completed, too, but it is not as urgent as it is not user-visible.

