Edward Allen <yb***j@gmail.com> (58 posts)

Be aware that many list participants used multiple email addresses over their time active on the list. As such this page may not contain all threads available.


3 Simultaneous + limit from first login

Limiting concurrent connections

“Public” downloads

Dhcp Leases

Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Dhcp Leases

Grase on Routed Networks + Billing

Login trouble

Feature request: (nightly build) Display Comment instead of UserName in DHCP Leases screen

Grase Hotspot working with DD-WRT routers in remote locations.

Error when trying freeaccess option

Feature Request

  • 2015-03-04 (Wed, 04 Mar 2015 16:43:04 -0800) - Feature Request - Edward Allen <yb***j@gmail.com>

Interesting Feature Request

Error at end of install of nightly

[GRASE-Hotspot] Adjust a User’s expiry date

New install

Where to configure the hotspot domain?

About WebService

Where is TIM

I have an installation error

Notification page

First-use activation

temporary disable button for free login

Reset Data usage

Help and doubt to update

Customized admin panel

Nightly Changes

add option refresh group settings

Computer account modifications

static IP traffic on the grase/chilli dhcp pool

Reflect changes after changing group

3.8.0 RC1 Released!

I need to configure DD-WRT GRASE

Turn off DHCP for coova chilli

QR Code Vouchers

Creating again a deleted user, keeps the old data.

Block Ports / Torrents

Gauging usage of “Usermin” section

System Announcement

Assign IP Address to the client based on MAC Address

Power Off and User Re-Login